Monday, November 21, 2011

Librarian Visit and Drawings

The librarian came to visit us last Tuesday. The children had a fun time. She taught us new songs that were a lot of fun! At one point we sang “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and at the end came the part about going to sleep. One boy that really enjoyed acting out the going to sleep part and was down on the mat. It was very cute.

I’ve also included a few photos of some of the drawing the children did that day. In the first one, the girl proudly displays her picture. She spent a long time drawing her family and the car. Unfortunately, I don’t think the details are very clear in the photo. The other photo is of some of the drawings the others made. A couple of the these children also spent a long time on them since they would leave and then come back to keep working on their drawing.

-Laura Hecht

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