Monday, November 18, 2013

TRT vs the TV

"This class really works!  My daughter really pays attention to books and since last week I've subtracted television from her daily routine.  She doesn't even seem to notice because she loves the books so much!" - Cristy, mother of Amariz, participants in our 0-12 month class at Good Samaritan Family Resource Center.

This is exactly why we do what we do at The Reading Tree.  After talking to families about the dangers of screen time for young children and babies, many are reflecting aloud on their efforts to spend less time in front of the television and more time reading books with their babies. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Family Literacy

It is always great to see our "graduates" reading!  Here is a photo the Montejono family.  Daniel, a former growing with books student, recently visited us from kindergarten on a day off of school.  His sister, Dayana, is following in his footsteps with Mom, Yessica, at her side.  (Daniel is reading well in English, by the way, although his first language is Spanish.  His skills have transferred beautifully across language lines!)