Monday, March 15, 2010

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear

Even after three years of story telling to infants, toddlers, and their families I struggle in finding the right book and the right tone to really capture their attention. This week, three times in a row, I was able to maintain a captive audience with the book by Don & Audrey Wood about a little mouse trying to save his strawberry from the big hungry bear (who never actually makes an appearance in the book). The interactive nature of the story (the narrator is actually speaking to the mouse the entire time, so the voice is second person, I guess) the vivid pictures, suspense filled moments, and the familiar centerpiece of a larger than life strawberry really made for a great time as the toddlers, their families, and I all helped the mouse to eat up his strawberry at the end of the tale. I highly recommend this book. Stories that can keep the attention of 10 toddlers all at once until the last line is read...they are hard to come by.

-Dawn Noelle

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