The semester has just started for me. There are lots of new faces. Many of them are families from the baby class that have moved up to the toddler class.
It has been a good two weeks. The classes have been FULL. Last week I was able to give a book to completely new families because some returning families already had the book. They told me to pass it on to those who were new to the class. It is never a good feeling when I don’t have enough books to give away to all of the children.
Along with meeting many of the families from the baby class, a mother that started in the class in 2004 has returned. She now has a toddler and a two month old. It has been great to see her again and to catch up. It is also great to know that she wants to give the younger children a chance to participate in the class just as their “big” sister did.
-Laura Hecht